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AngularJS directives to display file source code with tabs and syntax highlighter (prism)

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Angular directives to display code with.


<snippets path="snippets/demo" files="['index.html', 'app.js', 'missing.css']">
  <snippets-pane snippet="{name: 'run', icon: 'fa-cog'}">
    <iframe src="snippets/demo/index.html"></iframe>

Getting started



You can either download the latest version on the github repository or use Bower to install it automatically:
bower install angular-snippets
Bower will also install its dependencies. Load the packages into your HTML page:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/prism/prism.css">
<script src="path/to/prism/prism.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/angular-snippets.min.js"></script>
Snippets need one theme, you can use one of the official themes or create your own. Load the theme:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/themes/bootstrap-tabs/style.css">
<script src="path/to/themes/bootstrap-tabs/theme.js"></script>



Add into your application definition, the module and the theme dependencies:
angular.module('MyApp', ['Snippets', 'SnippetsThemeBootstrapTabs']);


This module can either use a file list from the attribute files or download a manifest (default is manifest.json) and use its files property.
Both may depends on a path attribute.

File list

<snippets path="snippets/" files="['index.html', 'app.js']"></snippets>


<snippets path="snippets/"></snippets>
width manifest.json:

  "files": [




snippetsProvider allows to configure the module by extending default options and providing content to append. Configure module
function (option:ModuleOptions)
Content handlers
ModuleOptions (object) Name of the manifest JSON file (may include path)
The manifest have to include a main key files as an array of string.
Object used to extend snippets directive.
Basically, used to define the directive template property by the themes.
Function used to highlight the code.
function (element: angular.element)
Return: None
Cast function to convert file extension to file type.
function (extension: String)
Return: String
Content handlers (object) Append content before main transclusion.
function (template: String)
Return None
Append content after main transclusion.
function (template: String)
Return None



Type: element
Basically, it use an array of filenames, download these files using $templateRequest and highlight it using Prism. path to prepend on manifest or file path,
e.g. path="snippets"
Array of string. File names list to display,
e.g. files="['index.html', 'script.js']"


Type: attribute
Disable for the current instance the global before content inclusion.


Type: attribute
Disable for the current instance the global after content inclusion.


Several themes are available, but you can create yours using its scope properties.

snippets scope

Set to true when all files have been processed.
Stay to false if neither attribute files nor manifest file are available.
Path attribute. Array of FileData
FileData (object) File name File type (depends on extension) File content Set to true if file load has failed (404)


The source for angular-snippets is released under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.